There’s more to an air conditioning system than most people realize. Besides the compressor unit that produces the cold air, the system needs highly efficient ductwork to handle the airflow and direct it throughout a home. Old, ill-fitting ductwork, or ductwork that is clogged or torn, may allow cold air to escape causing reduced airflow where it’s needed. Properly fitting ductwork reduces stress on an AC unit and increases its performance.

    Putting In a New AC Unit

    When it’s time to replace an older air conditioner, don’t forget to check the existing ductwork to ensure that it’s compatible with the new unit. The ductwork is responsible for transferring heat and air to all areas of a home. If the ductwork is insufficient, it can reduce the airflow and cause a new unit to work overtime. New Duct Installation can eliminate any potential problems if the old ducts are faulty in any way. A professional HVAC technician can check the older ductwork to ensure compatibility while looking for clogs, leaks, or tears in the existing system of ducts throughout a home. 

    Installing Central Air In an Older Home

    Ductwork is a complex system of tunnels installed in a home to move hot and cold air around. Builders refer to it as central heat and air since temperature-controlled air is forced through ducts and vents to provide even distribution throughout a residence. However, some older homes may not have a centralized heating and cooling system set in place. In this case, a new HVAC system would require Duct installation services in Corona, CA, to allow the air to move freely from the compressor to the rooms.

    If an existing home doesn’t have any ductwork, it’s a good idea to consult with an HVAC contractor providing new duct installations before making a hasty decision. Ductwork comes in different styles, so it’s important to match an HVAC system with ductwork designed to complement the unit. There are several factors that a contractor uses to determine which type of ductwork to use in a home. For example, how much distance is between the compressor and the vents, and how much insulation surrounds the tunnels? A contractor must also figure in the number of sharp turns that the air must go through to reach the vents. 

    Can Ductwork Be Repaired?

    It’s not always necessary to replace every bit of older ductwork if parts of it are still in good condition. Of course, age can sometimes be a factor when deciding between making repairs and replacing all of the ductwork. If the problem is localized and the ducts are in relatively good shape, a patch may solve the problem without a huge expense. Adding more insulation around the existing ductwork could increase the efficiency of a new unit as well. Sometimes a good cleaning is all that’s required to maximize the airflow. Cleaning not only increases the amount of air moving through the system but also increases indoor air quality. However, if the ductwork is old and has more than one issue affecting it, replacing it may be a better solution. 

    Can Clean Ducts Make a Difference?

    Many people never think about having the ductwork cleaned in their homes. However, cleaning it every three to five years may extend the ductwork and the HVAC system’s lifespan. The vacuum systems used to clean ductwork are either truck-mounted or portable. Commercial-grade vacuum systems have specialized brushes that easily remove any foreign material that has accumulated in the ducts. As the power brushes loosen the debris inside the tunnels, a high-powered vacuum pulls it out. The result is clean ducts, fresher air, and better airflow throughout the home. 

    Call the Experts for Quality Service

    Friends and Family HVAC works hard to provide homeowners in Corona, CA, and Riverside County with quality customer service. For over eight years, our NATE-certified technicians have assisted customers with all of their heating, cooling, and air quality concerns. Our motto is “if we can’t fix it, you don’t pay.” We guarantee our work and are committed to serving the community around us.

    Remember, an HVAC system needs clean, fully functional ductwork for maximum output. Installing ductwork that fits properly can be a game-changer when it comes to performance. When installing a new HVAC system, the system needs to be compatible with the ductwork it will use to transport hot and cold air around a home. As dust and dirt accumulate in the ducts, consider a professional cleaning to remove them. Having the ductwork cleaned every 3-5 years can improve the overall performance of an HVAC system. Clean ducts mean fresher air and fewer allergens within a home.