California summers can be harsh to endure. You can spend your days melting away in the heat. Don’t forget about the uncomfortable sleepless nights in a warm bed. If you don’t have a functional air conditioner, this is what you will go through and you may need AC repair. You rely on your AC unit to keep your loved ones calm and cool. Your AC unit works hardest during these scorching hot days. It may even break down completely if it can’t keep up. 

We know this is an unpleasant time for your AC to break, but it can happen. This is frustrating, and that is why we will come to your rescue on these inconvenient days. Friends & Family HVAC is a reliable HVAC contractor with the perfect skills and expertise to repair your problematic AC unit so you can return to enjoying the rest of your summer.

If you would like to know more about our AC repairs in Menifee, CA, contact us at (866) 482-2326 or schedule a service online. 

Signs That You Need AC Repair in Menifee, CA

It is clear that something is not quite right with your AC unit when it completely stops working, but some signs may be harder to spot. It may be easy to sweep these small problems under a carpet, but that would only lead to more severe problems in the future that will cost more to fix. Contact us if you experience the following:

Power Supply 

An obvious sign that your AC is not in great shape is when it won’t power on or off. In the best case scenario, this could be a simple thermostat problem, or it could be something more serious. No matter the cause, it is best to call Friends & Family HVAC to have a look. Our technicians will inspect your thermostat and other AC components for faults and give you an affordable solution, so you can use your AC unit when you need it.

Uneven Cooling 

Sometimes, certain rooms may be warmer than others. It could be that one of your vents is clogged with a buildup of dirt or other debris. You can inspect each vent yourself by putting your hand in front of it until you find the blocked one. If you can see anything that may be causing the blockage, you can remove it. However, if you don’t see anything, the issue may be in one of the ducts. Contact us to have a professional check your ductwork and the rest of your AC unit for any dirt that may be preventing airflow.

Warm Air 

If your AC unit is not blowing cool air, your home will soon become a sauna. Before your home reaches this fate, contact Friends & Family HVAC for AC repairs in Menifee. The reason for this could be that your AC unit simply needs more refrigerant. We will also check if there are any leaks in your ducts that may be allowing your refrigerant to escape. By the time we’ve finished our job, your AC unit will be blowing cool air once again.

Higher Electricity Bills Can Be Helped With AC Repair

Have you noticed an increase in your electricity bill this month? It could be your AC unit. This is usually the first sign that there is something wrong with your HVAC system. When there is a problem in your AC unit, it will work a lot harder to overcome the obstacle. This could be due to a buildup of dust and mold clogging the components, or a malfunctioning part that needs to be replaced. Whatever it is, you trust Friends & Family HVAC to provide reliable air conditioning repairs in Menifee.

Poor Air Quality 

If anyone in your home experiences allergy or respiratory symptoms, it could be due to your AC unit. When there is dirt or mold in your HVAC system, it can be blown into your house. This is uncomfortable and unhealthy. Call us to put an end to this!

Loud Noises 

An AC unit should be mostly silent. When you hear a loud and unfamiliar grinding sound, you know that something is wrong. Friends & Family HVAC recommends that you turn your AC unit off until the issue can be identified and fixed. There could be loose components in the system, which may damage your unit further if you continue to use it, leading to higher AC repair costs.

Increased Humidity 

Your AC unit is also used to control humidity and indoor air quality in your home. If your home feels sticky, or your home develops a mold problem, it could be your AC unit failing to control the humidity levels. Contact us for air conditioning repair in Menifee, CA.

Looking for Reliable AC Repair in Menifee, CA? 

Trust Friends & Family HVAC to provide quality repairs. If we can’t fix your unit, trust us to offer an AC installation in Menifee, CA. We will ensure that your home is always cool and comfortable during summer!